Health and prosperity thanks to a solid basis for life

Poverty reduction and livelihood improvement in rural communities

This project is the succeeding the project "A better livelihood through Savings- and Credit-clubs". The preceeding project took families out of direst poverty by inviting them into savings- and creditclubs. This new project builds on the achievements and brings in a broader approach. It encompasses the following goals:
- Consolidation of saving- and creditclubs
- Establishing kitchen gardens for a more balanced diet
- Establishing new activities to generate income, both for groups and individual members
- Improvement of health through courses and workshops but also through assistance in building pit latrines
- Environmental protection by introducing fuel-efficient stoves that can use manure for cooking.
Due to the excellent network of our partner, Swaziland Conference of Churches (SCC) the Ministries of Health, of Agriculture and of Natural Resources play an important role as key partners in this project.
SCC wants to stabilize disadvantaged households and families using a broad approach to improve their livelihoods on many levels.

Project site

Lubombo Area (Map)


In total about 1600 persons from rural and very poor Lubombo area of which up to 1'200 children and youths, about 450 women and 10 men.

Project costs and assistance by sahee

The entire project costs are CHF 105’000.–. The project is fully financed by sahee.

Sahee finances this project to 100% and is in regular contact with SCC's director and programme-leader. During the annual visit, progress on the project is discussed with all stakeholders and financial analysis and tests are done. Groups of beneficiaries are visited without prior notice.

Duration of assistance

1st of September 2011 to 31st of December 2014

Local counterpart

Swaziland Conference of Churches (SCC)

Project site

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Project overview

Self-Help Group Sivuno


Self-Help Group Niyatakani with SCC-Field-staff Silvia Mbuli


Vegetable Garden of the Nyakatani-Group