Sustainable Homeopathy
Swaziland Homeopathy Project Phase III, Capacity Development and Sustainability
The aim of SHP is to promote the awareness of homeopathy, its use and economic significance (job creation). Sahee supports this initiatives since 2009. The first project Homeopathy shall become accessible for all was dedicated to the healthy living of HIV-positive women and children: homeopatic treatment helps to maintain good health, to reduce ailments due to AIDS and release the side-effects of Anti-Retrovirals (ARVs). A scientific study was carried out at the end of the project to examine the effects of the homeopathic treatment (to download from the archive). The very positive result justified the continuation of the project. During the following project phase, Propagation of a holistic treatment and homeopathy in Swaziland, focused on the education of a few Swazi Medical Doctors to become Homeopaths, which in return spread their knowledge among other local practitioners in Swaziland.The current project shall enable the consolidation and further increase the nationwide network of self sustaining low cost outreach clinics that will provide Swazi homeopaths with an income and poor and sick women and children from rural areas with high quality homeopatic treatments. Furthermore, the already well established cooperation with hospitals and other NGOs in this field shall be intensified.
Project site
Hhohho, Mbabane (Map)
Women: 3'000 (direct), 15'000 (indirect)
Men: 700 (direct), 4'500 (indirect)
Children under age 16: 400 (direct)
Project costs and assistance by sahee
The entire project costs are CHF 100’000.–, whereas sahee takes over CHF 62’000.–.
Sahee supports the project with CHF 62’000.-, stays in regular contact with the project leaders and visits the project once a year.
Duration of assistance
1st of July 2013 to 30th of June 2015
Local counterpart
Swaziland Homeopathy Project
Project site
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Project overview