Homeopathy shall become accessible for all

Swaziland Homeopathy Project

Among Swazi women in the reproductive age, more than 40% are HIV-positive. Many of their children live with the virus as well. However, most of them have not developed AIDS yet. This project tries to assist people to maintain a good level of health, assure that people eat healthy food and get enough rest and that they pay attention to signals from their bodies such as a flu etc. Appropriate help can often come from homeopathic treatment of minor ailments and keep people threatened by their HIV-status healthy.
Sahee supports rural clinics that are held regularly in various rural areas throughout Swaziland. Women who are doing handicraft in their homes for the fair-trade-organizations Tintsaba and Gone Rural meet every three weeks to get new materials and sell their artifacts. Now we are able to offer free consultation and medication from two professional homeopaths to these women and their children.
Both homeopaths are aware of the fact that AIDS can be controlled only by Anti-Retroviral medication and are in contact with hospitals and medical doctors to ensure that patients get the proper care.
In addition, sahee initiated a scientific study to examine the effects of the homeopathic treatment. The results of this study will be examined by sahee's in one year's time and depending on the results the project could be supported for an extended period.

Project site

Hhohho (Map)


All poor people living in the areas where the consultation takes place but foremost 450 workers of Gone Rural and Tintsaba as well as their children.

Project costs and assistance by sahee

The entire project costs are CHF 67’500.–, whereas sahee takes over CHF 25’000.–.

CHF 25.000.- Sahee supports this project paying for all costs for wages and transport. It initiated a scientific study to assess the results of homeopathic treatment. Sahee maintains regular contacts with the director of the project and visits of the clinics.

Duration of assistance

1st of June 2009 to 30th of May 2010

Local counterpart

Swaziland Homeopathy Project


Results Homeopathy Study 2009.pdf

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Project overview

Homeopath Barbara Braun consulting with a patient - monitored by a cock


Homeopaths visit their patients near their homesteads - clinics are held under a simple tent


Some of the young patients of the homeopathy clinic